How can we help?

Child playing piano

Jessie’s Fund supports children in the UK who have disabilities or complex needs through the therapeutic use of music. This can be music therapy or interactive music projects – activities in which the children themselves are participating and finding expression through music. However, due to high demand we are currently prioritising applications for music therapy and to help children with more complex needs or life-limiting conditions. You can find out how we can help in children’s hospices and specialist schools here.

We also help other organisations if their projects meet our criteria, but please note that we will not be able to consider or acknowledge applications which are not connected to musical activity, nor applications from outside the UK. Neither can we support music therapists’ training costs.

The majority of our larger grants to organisations tend to be between £2,000 and £3,000. Applications from organisations are considered three times a year. Our next application deadline will be Friday 31st January 2025, for consideration at our spring board meeting. Applications received after that will be considered at the following meeting, about four months later.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome four to six weeks after the deadline. Scroll down for further information about eligibility and how to apply.

We invite children’s hospices to apply to us in a slightly different way. We can support children’s hospices with larger amounts than £5,000, and will look more favourably on applications supporting expansion of services than sustaining current provision. We prefer to receive these applications in January each year.

In addition to support for organisations, we make grants for therapy with fully qualified music therapists to individual children who have significant special educational or medical needs. As we receive more applications than we can fund, priority is given to children with more complex needs. Grants to individuals are usually for 10-12 music therapy sessions and a report. These applications are considered at the end of each month and applicants will hear from us the following month. Scroll down to the orange section for further information about eligibility for grants to individuals, and how to apply.

Grants for organisations: eligibility

  • Due to an increase in the number of applications we are receiving, we are prioritising applications for music therapy from organisations with limited funding streams at this time, and where other funding is being used or applied for alongside an application to Jessie’s Fund. We are unlikely to fund grants for creative/interactive music projects or instruments currently. If you would like to check or confirm eligibility before applying, please contact us on
  • All applications must be for music related activities.
  • Jessie’s Fund awards grants to schools, children’s hospices, hospitals and other children’s organisations for music therapy or for other interactive musical activities
  • Applications should be for children/young people with substantial disabilities or long-term illness up to the age of 19 (in some circumstances up to 25).
  • First applications receive priority, though in some circumstances we may be able to offer a further grant
  • Unsuccessful applicants can reapply no sooner than 12 months after they hear the outcome of their initial application.
  • We do not normally consider applications from organisations which have received a grant from us within the previous two years.
  • We do not consider retrospective applications.
  • We are unlikely to help very large organisations.

Grants for organisations: guidelines and requirements

  • Applications should be emailed to us on the appropriate application form downloadable at the bottom of this page.
  • Applications other than those from children’s hospices are considered three times per year: the current deadline is published above, on this page. Children’s hospice applications are considered once a year.
  • Applications should be clear about the amount of funding applied for and about any other potential sources of funding for your project. We rarely award grants of more than £3,000 other than to children’s hospices.
  • The application should detail any previous successful or unsuccessful applications to Jessie’s Fund.
  • We prefer organisations to demonstrate that there is commitment to continue projects beyond any potential funding from Jessie’s Fund.
  • We ask organisations to provide their most recent annual report and accounts unless they are statutory organisations.
  • Organisations which have received a grant from Jessie’s Fund must submit a report to us at the end of the period of funding. The report form can be downloaded here. Please send your completed form to us by email, as an attached file.

Grants for individuals: eligibility

  • Jessie’s Fund awards grants for therapy with fully qualified music therapists to children who have considerable additional needs or complex medical needs.
  • We support work with children and young people who have substantial disabilities or long-term illness.
  • We prioritise those who have significant communication problems.
  • We accept applications from parents/carers or professionals working with the child or young person.
  • The child or young person must have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), or verification from their GP or other professional of their needs.
  • First applications receive priority, though in some circumstances we may be able to offer a further grant. We can only offer further grants if we have received a music therapy report from the previous block of funding.
  • We do not offer grants for purchasing musical instruments for individuals, or for instrumental lessons.
  • We do not consider retrospective applications.

Grants for individuals: guidelines and requirements

  • Applications should be emailed to us on the ‘Music therapy for an individual child’ application form downloadable at the bottom of this page, all sections of which should be completed, including the amount being applied for. Grants offered are for around 10-12 sessions and a report.
  • The application should detail any previous music therapy which the child/young person has engaged with, and the outcomes of the sessions.
  • Applications should be accompanied by an EHCP, if they have one, or a supporting letter from a healthcare/educational professional. The letter should state how the child/young person will benefit from the grant. If the EHCP is more than two years out of date, than a short supporting letter is needed to clarify their current needs.
  • The application should include any previous successful or unsuccessful applications to Jessie’s Fund and any applications to other organisations.
  • We ask applicants to say if they can make a contribution to the cost of music therapy (£3, £5, £8, £10, or £15 per session).
  • Grants are awarded on condition of a report being sent to us at the end of the funded period.
  • Application deadlines are at the end of every month, for consideration by our assessment panel early the following month and applicants will hear from us shortly after this.

These downloadable application forms should be sent to us by email as an attached file, along with any supporting information. You will not be able to fill in the form from your web browser. We no longer accept applications sent in the post.

Click on the links below to download the forms.

If you have a query, email us or call us on 01904 658189.