News and events

Participants wanted for music therapy study

The Autism-CHIME research study is looking for participants for a research study into the impact of music therapy on children with an autism diagnosis. The study is led by the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Institute of Music Therapy Research. They are recruiting participants aged 7 – 11 with...

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Stowe Family Law donation

Thank you to Stowe Family Law, York for their recent donation in recognition of our dedication and the significant impact we have on the lives of so many children and their families. They were deeply impressed by the invaluable work that Jessie’s Fund does in helping children with complex needs...

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Making music with special children 2024

2 women sat at keyboard with two women and a man observing

We are pleased to announce that our two-day training course is returning in November. We will be running the course in our usual London (7th-8th) and York venues (11th-12th) and we look forward to welcoming our next group of music makers. It is a practical, hands-on course that is suitable...

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Music therapy in the community

a young blonde boy peering round the side of bright blue upside down ukulele

Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge, which raised an amazing £12,906.25. This will fund around 50 sessions of music therapy for children and young people with complex needs in the community. In 2023, we were able to fund music therapy for 68 children and...

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Welcome to our new Trustees

four photos, with a young woman with dark long hair and dark eyes in the top left, below is a man with short dark hair and green eyes, to his right is a young woman in a pink dress with blue flowers and above her is a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes

We are very pleased to welcome four new Trustees to Jessie’s Fund, following our recruitment drive last year. They each join us with a wealth of skills and knowledge to enhance the strengths of our current board and help support us to meet our aims. They are: Charlotte Lincoln Charlotte...

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Making music with special children 2023

a women with white hair playing a djembe sat opposite a woman with dark hair wearing dungarees playing a round drum.

Our training course ‘making music with special children’ returned in November for two in-person days in both York and London. It was great to be able to have the time together to be practical and hands on, and have meaningful musical conversations across locations. Both groups fully embraced the opportunity...

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Making music at Highfield Littleport Academy

A woman with curly brown hair wearing a checked dress with a red tank top, is sharing a djembe drum with a young girl in a wheelchair, who has light brown hair, is smiling and playing the drum.

Our musicians Steff and Shaun had a great time at our recent creative music project at Highfield Littleport Academy, near Cambridge. It is an area community special school catering for children aged 2-19 with significant and complex learning difficulties, who may also have associated physical disabilities, sensory, communication or medical...

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Announcing our new corporate partner!

Our small office team work very hard managing all things Jessie’s Fund, and our morning coffee helps to keep us going. So, we were very pleased to hear that local company Howden Coffee wanted to partner with us. Set up in Howden, East Yorkshire, their focus is to sell exceptional...

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Cheque presentation with Bill

Our Founder Lesley met with Bill Cawley, former Mayor of Leek, last week for a cheque presentation by York Minster and the statue of Constantine. Bill kindly chose Jessie’s Fund as one of his two mayoral charities for 2022/3, and raised £4800 to be shared between the two charities. He...

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Trustees wanted!

As we move towards our 30th Anniversary in 2025, we’re looking to expand our Board of Trustees, to bring in different people with skills and experience to complement our present team. It doesn’t mater if you’ve not been a charity trustee before; what’s more important is the skills and experience...

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