Trusts and Foundations
Jessie’s Fund relies on the generosity of charitable trusts and foundations to undertake the vital work it does with seriously ill children and young people with special needs. We are grateful to have received support from more numerous trusts, since our inception, than we can list here: those below have donated to us within the past year. We welcome the opportunity to submit applications, and we monitor and evaluate our work carefully, both for our own purposes and to give feedback to our supporters and partners.
Arnold Clark Community Fund
Emily Weircroft Charitable Trust
Plastow Family Charitable Trust
Feoffees of St Michael’s, Spurriergate
HBJ Trust
Martyn Donaldson Music Trust
Park Hill Trust
Postlethwaite Music Foundation
Reed Foundation
Sir James Knott Trust
The ARN Foundation
The Barry Anthony Newsam Charitable Trust
The Hedley Denton Charitable Trust
The Sylvia and Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust
The Rowan Trust
The Victoria Wood Foundation
We are also grateful to those who have given generously but prefer no public acknowledgement.
If your organisation is interested in supporting our work, please contact us.
Corporate support
Jessie’s Fund is keen to speak to companies who are interested in the work we do. We can work with you towards achieving your specific objectives. We can help you to show your commitment to the community, fulfil your corporate and social responsibility aims, increase your profile, and motivate your staff.
We could come to talk to your staff and show videos of our work with children, and we could even run a team-building music workshop for you. Below are some of the ways in which we could work together.
Charity of the Year
You could nominate Jessie’s Fund as your ‘Charity of the Year’ and we could develop a range of activities to involve your staff and customers.
Partnerships and Sponsorship
Jessie’s Fund has a number of different strands of work which are suitable for sponsorship. These include training courses, school resources and newsletters. Your company may like to be a partner in one of the following:
• Music residencies in children’s special schools
• Sponsoring a lead or associate musician
• Sponsoring a music therapist working with seriously ill children in a hospice or hospital.
Your company may also like to consider sponsoring a fundraising event, or an aspect on an event. This could be anything from printing and distributing publicity materials to providing wine for a reception or paying the costs of hiring a venue.
Gifts in Kind
Your company may be able to help Jessie’s Fund through the donation of office equipment or prizes for auctions, or you may have expert volunteers who might be able to work on a specific project for us – for example maintaining our IT system.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving allows your employees to make a donation to Jessie’s Fund directly from their pre-tax salary and to receive immediate tax relief on the donation. It provides Jessie’s Fund with regular, reliable donations, allowing us to plan ahead and budget for the future.
Payroll Giving is quick and easy to set up and administer within your company. All companies must be registered with a Payroll Giving Agency (PGA) before they can offer payroll giving to employees. Once the payroll giving system is up and running, the PGA undertakes most of the administration. Click here for more information.