
Making Music with Special Children

Training day - participants chatting

Our popular courses are packed with practical music-making ideas for people working with children who have complex needs. We have a proven track record in designing hands-on, stimulating and enjoyable training for those working with children who have serious illness, learning difficulties, or disabilities. Learn about inclusive musical activities for children who have wide-ranging abilities/disabilities rather than focusing on any specific diagnoses.

The course is suitable for people with no formal musical training and also for those who have some experience: whatever level you’re at, you will go away with plenty of ideas to put into practice in your work, and also with a CPD certificate. If you are a very experienced musician you may want to get in touch with us before booking a place, just to check that the course will provide you with what you are looking for. You can email us, or call us on 01904 658189.

Our next courses take place in November 2025 in London and York. We hope to have confirmed dates and venues for these by May 2025. You can find further details and the booking form here.

‘The impact on our care team from just a couple of days’ training is phenominal!’

‘Just an amazing and inspiring time. The course had the additional benefit of meeting people, and giving us the chance to establish informal networks.’

Training in Special Schools

Training day - playing guitar

All our schools projects include an element of training, but we also offer dedicated training workshops to staff in schools for children with special needs. Typical topics covered are:

• exploring musical instruments
• working with iPads
• working with pulse and rhythm
• song-writing
• musical conversations

We also have free training videos on various topics available on our YouTube channel here.


Definitely the best training course I’ve been on. Loads of relevant useful info and tips, friendly and knowledgeable tutors and a great atmosphere.

Instrumental tutor training

Training day - Instrumental tutor training

We encourage instrumental tutors to increase their musical skills so that they can work with children who have special needs, broadening their expertise beyond their own specialisms. We can work with music education hubs or other organisations to deliver one-day training courses tailored to your needs.


The activities were amazing – 30 years in the business, and I was totally enthralled. I think you captured the interest and emotion of many of our staff and hopefully this can now grow and be sustainable.